Nic Finlayson

Nic Finlayson



03 479 4440

Nic is a property lawyer with experience advising on a range of residential conveyancing matters and personal estates.  In addition, Nic has previous experience as a commercial litigator, including all stages of civil proceedings from initial advice to preparation for trial.

Nic graduated law school with First Class Honours as well as prizes in Advanced Private Law and Contract Law.  Prior to his law degree, Nic completed a Bachelor of Commerce.


  • LLB(Hons) First Class, Auckland University of Technology
  • BCom, Victoria University

Getting to know Nic

Nic has recently moved to Otago with his partner and puppy and is enjoying growing his community in Dunedin.  Nic is active in the Dunedin sports community having played representative hockey for Otago recently and continuing to enjoy the local club competition.

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